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Food & Beverages

Online Food Ordering- A Trend Gaining Rapid Momentum

by Yashwant Kumar 11 Mar 2023

“There is no love sincerer than the love of food.” – George Bernard Shaw

This relatable quote pretty much sums up the collective thoughts of all foodies who live to eat! To eat is to experience all 5 senses of your being at the same time. The sound of your favorite food being prepared, the mouth-watering aroma reaching your nostrils, the sight of your dish being served to you, the way it feels between your fingers and the final taste test- it’s all a very heady experience. The joy of delicious exotic food was once only available at restaurants or dine out options. But thanks to technology and innovation, food is now just a click away!

Online food ordering has garnered massive attention over the last couple of years. The global online food delivery services market is expected to grow from $107.44 billion in 2019 and to $111.32 billion in 2020, according to research. The market is then expected to grow and reach $154.34 billion in 2023 at CAGR of 11.51%.

The ease of supply chain in delivery and logistics has proven to be a boon for online ordering and delivery market. Additionally, availability of high-speed internet, social media and smartphones has made restaurants accessible from the couch. This shift in eating habits of consumers has boosted the delivery segment too. There are multiple benefits of ordering food via online portals:

Ease of Ordering

Online ordering is less stressful than traditional eat-out ordering system. Consumers can look at the menus in depth and take their time in choosing their order dishes. It is also easy to tally the order amount to identify how much you are paying for your food.

Increased Revenue

The more time consumers spend on menus, the more they are likely to order. This results in increased revenue and sales for the restaurant, which is unlikely in the traditional setup.

Efficient Order Management

Online ordering software makes it simple to manage individual customer order and cross check before packing the order. The software also has GPS system to identify the location of the customer, providing with ETA and directions.

Bigger Audience

Online delivery makes it effortless to reach a wider base of consumer than offline restaurant dining. With digital media, restaurant owners can promote their online ordering facility and grab attention of consumers who are unaware of this facility.

Customized Consumer Experience

Online ordering software comes with a huge database that archives all consumer orders. It alerts the owner when it notices an order pattern being formed. This helps in pushing notifications to that customer to remind them of ordering their last ordered meal or most ordered item from their menu. Such personal touches help in customer retention.

Low Maintenance

With digital menus, it is possible to update menu items in real time according to the availability of ingredients. It also helps in notifying consumers about delivery closure hours, order updates and feedback receipts.

Online ordering and delivery facility are definitely a major step up from regular dining experience. Restaurants should immediately look into upgrading their services to incorporate this booming trend to ensure that they are not left behind in this culinary race.

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